Monday, December 6, 2010

All About Balsamic

Few things in the world taste quite as lovely as a piece of bread dipped into some olive oil that has been drizzled with aged balsamic vinegar. The sweetness and slight bite of the vinegar create a wonderful taste sensation that is hard to match. High quality Balsamic is treat in its own right.

But what else can you do with it besides use it for dipping or in salad dressings? One of my favorite ways to use Balsamic vinegar is to pair it with strawberries to create an interesting dessert. There are several ways this can be done, and each will yield equally impressive results. My favorite recipe is deceptively simple:

1 quart of strawberries, quartered
3 tablespoons Balsamic vinegar
1 - 2 tablespoons sugar

Simply mix together the Balsamic vinegar and sugar (use more or less depending on how sweet you like things) and pour over the strawberries. Allow the berries to macerate for 30 minutes or so. Serve the berries over cake, ice cream, or alone.

A variation of this is to cook the Balsamic in order to make it a little thicker. You can also layer the flavors to create a more complex taste, using honey instead of sugar. Try the following:

3/4 cup Balsamic vinegar
1 - 2 tablespoons honey
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

Bring the Balsamic to a boil, add the cinnamon and cook until slightly thick and syrupy. Stir in the honey and serve as mentioned above (makes enough to cover 2 quarts of strawberries). This version has a deeper flavor than the first method. If you don't like honey, just substitute sugar.

Finally, another favorite of mine is to pair aged Balsamic vinegar with cheese. You could serve this as an appetizer or before dessert, but it tastes so wonderful you might decide to skip the dessert entirely!

1 apple
Parmesan shavings
Balsamic vinegar
Chopped walnuts

Cut the apple into thin slices and arrange on small plates. Shave large pieces of Parmesan cheese over the top. Drizzle with honey and Balsamic vinegar and sprinkle with walnuts.

The bottom line is that when you start using a high quality Balsamic vinegar you'll find it will become one of your favorite go-to condiments.

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